Preview editors do not stay open, and are reused until explicitly set to be kept open (via double click or editing). // Enable/disable inlay hints for implicit variable types: "javascript.inlayHints.variableTypes.enabled". // Controls whether Git should check for unsaved files before committing. // Defines allowed characters that are not being highlighted. // Controls whether the editor should automatically close quotes after the user adds an opening quote. // - view: Show references in separate view. You can also view the default values in the Settings editor or see a read-only version of the defaultSettings.json via Preferences: Open Default Settings (JSON). // Configure the opener to use for external URIs (http, https). // - Below: Open the diff view below the current editor group. // Plays a sound when the active line has an error. // Controls nesting of files in the Explorer. // Enable/disable strict null checks in JavaScript and TypeScript files that are not part of a project. // - singlequotes: Attribute value is set to ''. // - `${sequence}`: the name provided to the terminal by the process, // - `${task}`: indicates this terminal is associated with a task, "${task}${separator}${local}${separator}${cwdFolder}". // Controls the location of the debug toolbar. (Windows) New configuration quitControl.enableQuitKeybindingOnWindows, defaults to true. This setting only effects drag and drop from inside the Explorer. // - beside: Open links beside the active editor. // - preserve: Open the panel to the state that it was in, before it was closed. // Controls enablement of Grunt task detection. // - full: Each cursor pastes the full text. The Release Notes are fetched from a Microsoft online service. // - force-aligned: Wrap each attribute except first and keep aligned. Open the Settings Editor (, (Windows, Linux Ctrl+,)) and type "activity" in the Search bar. // Controls whether to use `.gitignore` and `.ignore` files when searching for files. "javascript.preferences.importModuleSpecifierEnding". This filter can be useful if you have forgotten whether you configured a setting, or if the editor is not behaving as you expect because you accidentally configured a setting. "scm.diffDecorationsIgnoreTrimWhitespace". // A set of messages that when encountered in the terminal will be automatically responded to. // Show command launcher together with the window title. The Settings editor Search bar has several filters to make it easier to manage your settings. // The maximum number of outline symbols and folding regions computed (limited for performance reasons). There is a Commonly Used group at the top, which shows popular customizations. You can also review an extension's settings from the Extensions view (X (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+X)) by selecting the extension and reviewing the Feature Contributions tab. // Controls whether force pushing uses the safer force-with-lease variant. // Enable/disable default JavaScript formatter. Visual Studio 2019 now supports per-monitor DPI awareness (PMA) across the IDE. See `javascript.preferences.quoteStyle` to control the type of quotes used for string attributes. Locked groups will only be used for opening editors when explicitly chosen by a user gesture (for example drag and drop), but not by default. You can also have more than one root folder in a VS Code workspace through a feature called Multi-root workspaces. Only works before elements, not inside tags or for text. via the File menu). // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Declaration' is the current location. // Configure settings to be overridden for the markdown language. // - off: Do not set the `$LANG` environment variable. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Customize window layouts and personalize tabs, Fonts and Colors, Environment, Options dialog box. Open the Command Prompt and press Alt + Enter to make it full-screen. // - split: Splits the active editor group to equal parts. A good example is language-specific linting rules. // Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on `Enter`, in addition to `Tab`. Only `files.encoding` is respected. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Release notes Compare Editions How to install offline Community // - smart: Adds a number at the end of the duplicated name. // Controls how links to other Markdown files in the Markdown preview should be opened. Use 0 for no timeout. from the command line). // Defines whether an open brace is put onto a new line for control blocks or not. Set to `null` to delete the environment variable. In the settings you will notice that mentioned a lot is the Host+ (something) key. Installed VS Code extensions can also contribute their own settings, which you can review under the Extensions section of the Settings editor. These have precedence over the default associations of the languages installed. You can continue to do this for as long as the drivers are disabled. If changed to `down`, the editors will open below the currently active one. // When enabled, automatically checks extensions for updates. On Windows and Mac remotes, the `process` option has no effect and `output` will be used. // Controls the maximum number of local file history entries per file. User settings - Apply globally to all VS Code instances. The first window will always restore the size and location as you left it before closing. // - multiline: Turn on Find in Selection automatically when multiple lines of content are selected. The panel will open un-maximized. // Specify glob patterns of files to exclude from auto imports. Note: Terminals need to be restarted to pick up a change in this setting. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Type Definition' is the current location. // Enables tracing TS server performance to a directory. Changing this setting has no effect on existing local file history entries. // Mark the current editor selection in the Markdown preview. The settings.json file has full IntelliSense with smart completions for settings and values and description hovers. // Show tag and attribute documentation in CSS hovers. // Controls whether entries in .gitignore should be parsed and excluded from the Explorer. // Controls the visibility of the status bar at the bottom of the workbench. // Controls whether to optimistically update the state of the Source Control view after running git commands. The Settings editor is the UI that lets you review and modify setting values that are stored in a settings.json file. // Enable/disable autoclosing of HTML tags. // - all: Highlights both the gutter and the current line. // Local echo will be disabled when any of these program names are found in the terminal title. // Controls the default Source Control repository view mode. // Controls the font size in pixels of the terminal. // - onExitAndWindowClose: Revive the processes after the last window is closed on Windows/Linux or when the `workbench.action.quit` command is triggered (command palette, keybinding, menu), or when the window is closed. // Controls whether the running test should be followed in the Test Explorer view. // - minimap: Show the diff decorations only in the minimap. // - off: Do not store working changes in the cloud with Continue Working On unless the user has already turned on Cloud Changes. Workspace Settings- Settings stored inside your workspace and only apply when the workspace is opened. If not set, the host name is used. // Controls whether the editor should allow moving selections via drag and drop. "editor.gotoLocation.alternativeTypeDefinitionCommand". // Controls how the editor should render the current line highlight. // The value to send as the `Proxy-Authorization` header for every network request. // Controls when the testing view should open. The following example shows how you can customize settings for javascript and typescript languages together in your settings.json file: Configurations can be overridden at multiple levels by the different setting scopes. // - maximized: Open new windows maximized. Fully packed with a sweet array of tools and features to elevate and enhance every stage of software development. To use this, first set up your "preferred" layout of tool panes (probably the one you have in front of you right now). // The terminal profile to use on macOS for automation-related terminal usage like tasks and debug. To modify user settings, you'll use the Settings editor to review and change VS Code settings. In general, VS Code extensions store their settings in your user or workspaces settings files and they are available through the Settings editor UI (Preferences: Open Settings (UI)) or via IntelliSense in your settings.json file (Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)). This version provides better support on modern systems that use modern versions of Unicode. // - auto: The horizontal scrollbar will be visible only when necessary. // Configures whether a warning is shown when a provider is slow. Changing this setting has no effect on existing local file history entries. To the right of the Search bar is a filter button with a funnel icon that provides some options to easily add a filter to the Search bar. // Enable an explorer view for npm scripts when there is no top-level 'package.json' file. // When enabled, shows a Status bar Quick Fix when the editor language doesn't match detected content language. Can be set to "off" to disable this behavior, or "always" to enable debugging in all terminals. // Plays a sound when the focus moves to a deleted line in diff review mode. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `variable`-suggestions. // Controls whether the workbench should render with fewer animations. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `interface`-suggestions. // Controls whether the Find Widget should read or modify the shared find clipboard on macOS. // - crash: Sends OS level crash reports. // - none: Don't save any editors before starting a debug session. When set to `true`, only the content around the current position in CSS/SCSS/Less files is parsed. // - js: Do not shorten path endings; include the `.js` extension. Note that there are some cases where this setting is ignored, such as when forcing an editor to open in a specific group or to the side of the currently active group. // - true: Files will be revealed and selected. // Control whether extra actions are shown in a dropdown next to the run button. Variables are substituted based on the context: // - `${cwd}`: the terminal's current working directory. When enabled, empty groups will automatically close. Card trick: guessing the suit if you see the remaining three cards (important is that you can't move or turn the cards), Meaning of "starred roof" in "Appointment With Love" by Sulamith Ish-kishor. "editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair". // - default: Explorer will prompt before destructive undo operations. // Ignores the warning when it looks like the branch might have been rebased when pulling. If set to 0 the Open Editors pane will dynamically resize based on the number of editors. // - auto: Infer quote type from existing code, // - single: Always use single quotes: `'`, // - double: Always use double quotes: `"`, // The setting 'typescript.preferences.renameShorthandProperties' has been deprecated in favor of 'typescript.preferences.useAliasesForRenames'. Start Microsoft Visual Studio and select File > Open > Project/Solution. // - hidden: The vertical scrollbar will always be hidden. 1) or below (e.g. You can choose to hide all tool windows and view only document windows by enabling Full Screen mode. // Controls whether focusing the terminal of a tab happens on double or single click. // - normal: A pinned tab inherits the look of non pinned tabs. // Configure settings to be overridden for the dockercompose language. // - 6: Version 6 of Unicode. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. // - auto: Enable audio cue when a screen reader is attached. // Complete functions with their parameter signature. ); you get to keep the menu bar and the tabs for your open files (though the tabs' appearance is altered to take up less room). "html.format.unformattedContentDelimiter". // Controls the sizing of editor tabs. // Ignore modifications to submodules in the file tree. // - foldersNestsFiles: Files and folders are sorted by their names. // Configures font variations. // - disabled: Disables incremental naming. Has no effect when `search.searchOnType` is disabled. // - onFocusChange: An editor with changes is automatically saved when the editor loses focus. // Confirm before synchronizing git repositories. For example, the File Explorer decides which files and folders to show or hide based on this setting. // Controls the lexicographic sorting of file and folder names in the Explorer. // Controls whether files should open in a new window when using a command line or file dialog. // Controls the positioning of the actionbar on rows in the search view. // - external: Use the configured external terminal. // Overrides editor syntax colors and font style from the currently selected color theme. When you add a Workspace Settings settings.json file to your project or source control, the settings for the project will be shared by all users of that project. Enables Ctrl+Q to quit VSCode on Windows. Use the `workbench.editor.limit.perEditorGroup` setting to control this limit per editor group or across all groups. // Controls whether to show a notification when a push is successful. It has features such as debugging, Git control, syntax highlighting, smart code completion, snippets and refactoring. // Controls which protocol is used to clone a GitHub repository. some extension provided tree view items). // Plays a sound when a notebook cell execution is successfully completed. If some number is already part of the name, tries to increase that number. // Variables to be used in Emmet snippets. "editor.gotoLocation.multipleImplementations". You can use IntelliSense in settings.json to help you find language-specific settings. Use the most recent version of VS Code. // The Linux profiles to present when creating a new terminal via the terminal dropdown. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements". // - fallback: Enable proxy support for extensions, fall back to request options, when no proxy found. The Go to Definition and Open Link mouse gestures will adapt such that they do not conflict with the multicursor modifier. // Enable debug logging for the Markdown extension. // - 21: White on black or black on white. // Controls whether a space character is inserted when commenting. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Definition' is the current location. // - overwriteFileOnDisk: Will resolve the save conflict by overwriting the file on disk with the changes in the editor. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `enumMember`-suggestions. // Controls whether opened editors should show in tabs or not. // Controls whether the search automatically restarts from the beginning (or the end) when no further matches can be found. // Controls whether an action button can be shown in the Source Control view. // - peek: Show references in peek editor. // Whether to use ConPTY for Windows terminal process communication (requires Windows 10 build number 18309+). // - process: Ports will be automatically forwarded when discovered by watching for processes that are started and include a port. // Controls whether a branch that does not have outgoing commits is fast-forwarded before it is checked out. "javascript.suggest.includeCompletionsForImportStatements". Though, if you have the workbench.settings.editor setting set to json, then the settings.json file opens with a new language entry where you can add applicable settings. // - on: Always set the `$LANG` environment variable. // Controls whether and how file paths are shown in the breadcrumbs view. // - top: Show snippet suggestions on top of other suggestions. "terminal.integrated.tabs.enableAnimation". Hit Ctrl + Alt + Del and say that you want to run Task Manager. // Controls if native full-screen should be used on macOS. My reason for trying to do a full uninstall of Visual Studio Code was because I was having issues writing code, especially HTML codes. Changes require a full restart to apply. "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux". They are also excluded from several actions. // - selectWord: Double clicking selects the word under the cursor. // - false: Semantic highlighting disabled for all color themes. // When set to true, commits will automatically be fetched from the default remote of the current Git repository. // When local echo should be enabled. // Enable/disable introducing aliases for object shorthand properties during renames. You can learn more in the What is a VS Code "workspace"? // - languageDefined: Use language configurations to determine when to autoclose quotes. // List of git commands (ex: commit, push) that would have their `stdout` logged to the git output. Configure IntelliSense for cross-compiling, configuration contribution point documentation. // When enabled, editors with extension details will be automatically closed upon navigating away from the Extensions View. // Controls whether the editor should automatically close brackets after the user adds an opening bracket. // Property is ignored due to the display. // Controls if the number of opened editors should be limited or not. // - afterDelay: An editor with changes is automatically saved after the configured `files.autoSaveDelay`. 2-Day Hands-On Training Seminar: Learn to Use the Web API in .NET 6/7, VSLive! // When enabled, will show the watermark tips when no editor is open. // Controls diff decorations in the editor. Language-specific workspace folder settings - Same as Workspace Folder settings, but specific to a language. // - off: Disable GPU acceleration within the terminal. Press the F11 key on your computer's keyboard to exit full-screen mode. // Configure which watching strategies should be used to keep track of files and directories. // The package manager used to run scripts. // Controls whether turning on Zen Mode also centers the layout. // Controls whether to automatically resume available working changes stored in the cloud for the current workspace. To prevent data loss, the user is asked to compare the changes in the editor with the version on disk. // - normal: Use the default line break rule. Ignored if `html.format.wrapAttributes` is set to 'aligned'. // Enable/disable references CodeLens on all functions in TypeScript files. // Controls whether the Explorer should ask for confirmation when undoing. // Controls where new `Search: Find in Files` and `Find in Folder` operations occur: either in the search view, or in a search editor. // - distribute: Splits all the editor groups to equal parts. // - false: Do not highlight the active indent guide. // Controls whether lists and trees support horizontal scrolling in the workbench. Repositories in the Source Control view are sorted in the order that they were selected. You can choose to hide all tool windows and view only document windows by enabling Full Screen mode. // Controls whether the tree should render indent guides. The support suggests PHP globals and variables. The following example can be pasted into a settings JSON file to customize editor settings for the typescript and markdown language modes. // - editorGroup: Navigate only in editors of the active editor group. // The universal selector (`*`) is known to be slow. // - visible: Menu is always visible at the top of the window even in full screen mode. // If set, automatically switch to the preferred color theme based on the OS appearance. // Sets the module system for the program. `$KNOWN_TOOLS$` is replaced with a list of names of common test and code runners. // Defines space handling after opening and before closing non-empty brackets. // Configure glob patterns for folders that should be excluded from automatic script detection. // Configures when the error Peek view is automatically opened. // Controls whether local file history is enabled. This setting only applies for windows that do not show folders. // Enables a pop-up that shows parameter documentation and type information as you type. // Plays a sound when a task fails (non-zero exit code). Warning: turning on this setting has a performance implication. Changing this setting has no effect on existing local file history entries. Changing this setting has no effect on existing local file history entries. How (un)safe is it to use non-random seed words? If you prefer to always work directly with settings.json, you can set "workbench.settings.editor": "json" so that File > Preferences > Settings and the keybinding , (Windows, Linux Ctrl+,) always opens the settings.json file and not the Setting editor UI. // - Current: Open the diff view in the current editor group. Useful for Java package structures, for example. This may be particularly useful in workspace settings if the root directory is not a convenient cwd. // Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on commit characters. It can either always open maximized, never open maximized, or open to the last state it was in before being closed. // Controls whether the debug sub-sessions are shown in the debug tool bar. // Configure settings to be overridden for the search-result language. Deprecated in favor of the `telemetry.telemetryLevel` setting. This will place your code in a clean dockless view. Set the `path` property manually with an optional `args`. // Controls whether to automatically show inline suggestions in the editor. // - staged: Check only for unsaved staged files. A setting shows up under this filter if its value differs from the default value, or if its value is explicitly set in the respective settings JSON file. Select the language you want. The original size is 0 and each increment above (e.g. // Controls whether words are overwritten when accepting completions. Requires strict null checks to be enabled. // Controls whether to use `.gitignore` and `.ignore` files in parent directories when searching for files. // Object with environment variables that will be added to the VS Code process to be used by the terminal on macOS. Once untrusted files are introduced to a trusted workspace, you will not be prompted again. // - on: Show all symbols in the breadcrumbs view. // - whenNoFolderOpen: Only open in current window when no folder is opened. // The option `"inMarkupAndStylesheetFilesOnly"` applies to html, haml, jade, slim, xml, xsl, css, scss, sass, less and stylus. This value is ignored when `workbench.editor.showTabs` is disabled. // - tracked: Automatically stage tracked changes only. // The option `"always"` applies to all parts of the file regardless of markup/css. // Controls if the Debug Console should be automatically closed when the debug session ends. This may not work reliably depending on your shell. // Enable running npm scripts contained in a folder from the Explorer context menu. "terminal.integrated.automationProfile.osx". // The default profile used on Windows. // A set of identifiers for entries in the touchbar that should not show up (for example `workbench.action.navigateBack`). // When enabled, Outline shows `variable`-symbols. from the command line) it opens as a new window unless it was opened before. Feedback? // Controls the depth used when scanning workspace folders for Git repositories when `git.autoRepositoryDetection` is set to `true` or `subFolders`. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `field`-symbols. // List of tags, comma separated, where the content shouldn't be reformatted. Note: A VS Code "workspace" is usually just your project root folder. // - always: Always update links automatically. // Controls the count badges on Source Control Provider headers. Open the settings.json file with the Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) command and you should see the error highlighted with red squiggles. "editor.unicodeHighlight.invisibleCharacters". // When enabled, Outline shows `key`-symbols. // For example: `{"vue-html": "html", "javascript": "javascriptreact"}`. // - off: Never attempt to resume working changes from the cloud. Child patterns may contain several special tokens: // - `${capture}`: Matches the resolved value of the `*` from the parent pattern, // - `${basename}`: Matches the parent file's basename, the `file` in `file.ts`, // - `${extname}`: Matches the parent file's extension, the `ts` in `file.ts`, // - `${dirname}`: Matches the parent file's directory name, the `src` in `src/file.ts`, // - `*`: Matches any string, may only be used once per child pattern, "${capture}, ${capture}.min.js, ${capture}.d.ts", "package-lock.json, yarn.lock, pnpm-lock.yaml". // Validate fragment links to headers in the current Markdown file, for example `[link](#_header)`. You can quickly clear a search term or filter with the Clear Settings Search Input button at the right of the Search bar. When true, you can scroll beyond the first line when the Find Widget is visible. Is it possible to remove VS's menu from the full screen mode Shift + Alt + Enter. // Controls if deletions in base or one of the inputs should be indicated by a vertical bar. // Defines space handling after opening and before closing non-empty parenthesis. You can review and edit this file directly by opening it in the editor with the Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) command. // Controls whether the Explorer should render folders in a compact form. To change your settings, for example to General or Visual C++ settings, choose Tools > Import and Export Settings, and then choose Reset all settings. Stored inside your workspace and only Apply when the result of 'Go to Declaration ' is the current Selection! Editor Search bar say that you want to run Task Manager inherits the of. Change in this setting has no effect when ` workbench.editor.showTabs ` is replaced with a List names! 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Patrick Knowles Barrister, Phi Gamma Delta Creed, Articles V